Praxis für Psychotherapie

 Dipl.-Psych. Katja Tulodziecki

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Dipl.-Psych. Katja Tulodziecki
State-licensed cognitive behaviour psychotherapist on the doctors' and psychotherapists' registry. (Approbation als Psychologische Psychotherapeutin, mit Schwerpunkt Verhaltenstherapie, Eintrag Arztregister, Kassenzulassung Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Berlin, Psychotherapeutenkammer Berlin).
Additional qualification: Certified Psychodramatherapist,  Tapping- energy psychology, Level 1- 3
Unfortunately I am booked out at the moment (March 2023).  Appointments in the future will only be open in the morning hours.


Psychotherapy and Counseling:

As a Psychotherapist I can offer the following treatments in english:
Psychological counseling
Couples therapy/ marriage counseling/ divorce counseling
I am not a native english speaker, but I have been to the US for 2,5 years in the 1990`s and have held several therapies in english since then.

Short answers to FAQs:

What are the costs/ forms of payment?
In general: Costs for psychotherapy are usually covered by health insurances. If you have a private insurance you have to check your contract. If you have a german "Gesetzliche Krankenkasse" the insurance pays for psychotherapy.
For psychological counseling and couples therapy you have to pay yourself. For more details go to the bottom of the page.
Refugees: see above

When should you go for psychotherapy?
Psychotherapy means the treatment of psychological and psychosomatic problems on the basis of methods that have been proved to help significantly by research. Here is a list of common symptoms that can be treated by psychotherapy: specific and general anxiety, fear, panic, depression, sleeping disorders, post traumatic stress, low self esteem, low stress tolerance, burn-out, obsession, continuing problems with relationsships.

Refugees welcome:
If you suffer from depression, anxiety, sleeping problems, flashbacks or other psychologigal or psychosomatic symptoms you might need Psychotherapy to recover.
If you habe a health insurance card you can contact me for a first appointment for psychotherapy. I do not work with a translater/ Dolmetscher. If you speak english we can do psychotherapy in english.
If you are in Germany with § 2, AsylbLG and have an health insurance card with statusnumber "4" or "9" or if you have a "grüner Schein" or "Armband mit Code" please look for a psychotherapist at:
Fell free to make an appointment via telephone. Always first make an appointment. Thank you.

What is my approach to psychotherapy?

The first step in Psychotherapy is to understand where and when symptoms occur and also when they do not occur. From the beginning I tend to search for each persons strenghs because they can be helpful in the process of finding solutions for the problems. My postgraduate training has been in cognitive behavior therapy including schematherapy (Young, Grawe). During the  therapy sessions the personal belief systems and schema modes are explored and modified. The dysfunctional modes are reduced and new modes are generated. This usually needs practice, so one method of therapy is the do „homework“, so that the new understanding will be established in your daily life. When it seems useful I like to integrate methods such as work with the inner child, time-line, work with empty chair, energy psychology such as  Tapping.

What is psychological counseling?
Psychological counseling concerns the "little problems", that each one knows, such as not getting used to the new job or not getting over the end of a relationship. People usually talk to friends, read books or find help in the internet. But sometimes it is hard to initiate change or to find an adequate solution. Often the best solution is to seek professional help to get a new view and approaches on the situation.
People regularly come to me for counseling because of relationship problems, but where the partner is not willing to get professional help. It usually still makes sense to come for counseling, because if you understand yourself and the relationsship better it will be easier for you to decide what you can expect and how you want to approach your partner.

What is couples therapy/ marriage counseling?
Couples therapy and marriage counseling means that both of you come to the treatment sessions together. Couples usually come when they have big problems, frequent fights or lack of communication. In the first session I will ask how your relationship started and developped over  time. Then we will come to the reason why you seek professional help. I will ask each of you, what your view on the relationship and the problems are. When I have a first impression I will let you know in which way I would work with you in continuing sessions. This could be: training of communication, training of conflict skills, time-line-work and further exploration. You will get "homework", so you transfer the knowledge to your daily life. 3- 5 sessions sometimes already help to see improvement, some couples need up to 12 session, depending on your personal situation.

What are the costs in detail?
Costs for couples therapy and counseling are not covered by insurances (see below for costs in detail).
Costs for psychotherapy are usually covered by private and public health insurances, if you have a german insurance.
At the moment I only take people with german public health insurance (Gesetzliche Krankenkasse)
If you have a private insurance you should check your insurance policy. Some insurances ask you to fill out an application for psychotherapy, so you should have it sent to you. If they cover psychotherapy the next steps should be easy.

Psychotherapy (50 minutes) Usually paid by insurances in full (EBM or GOÄ)
Psychological counseling (one person, 50 minutes) 130 Euro, Coaching (one person 50 minutes) 160 Euro

Couples therapy and others two persons:(60 or 90 minutes): 160 Euro (60 minutes) 220Euro (90 minutes)

Contact for appointment:
In general it is possible to hold Psychotherapy, psychological counseling and couples therapy in English.
To make an appointment you can call my office by telefone: 030- 97 888 201 (Praxis Katja Tulodziecki).
If you get the answering machine please let me know what your name, your concern, your telefon number and what would be a good time to contact you.
The address for the sessions is: Maaßenstraße 8, 10777 Berlin- Schöneberg, Entrance on Nollendorfstraße (it is a house on a corner). First floor, no elevator.  

Haftung und Copyright: Katja Tulodziecki. Haftung weiter: Die Internetseiten enthalten Links zu Internetseiten Dritter. Aufgrund fehlender regelmäßiger Kontrollmöglichkeiten kann für deren Inhalt keinerlei Verantwortung übernommen werden. Unsere Praxis schließt jegliche Haftung die durch Verlinkungen entstehen, aus, soweit diese nicht auf Vorsatz oder grober Haftung für Schäden, die direkt oder indirekt aus der Benutzung dieser Internetseiten und Fahrlässigkeit beruhen.